B.E.S.T. Countywide Mixer

The Annual B.E.S.T. Mixer is a celebration of the cooperative efforts and successes of the Bastrop*Elgin*Smithville*Texas Chambers. It will be an incredible night of fun, fellowship and networking for the membership of the three chambers that make up the B.E.S.T. Leadership in the state.
WHILE THIS IS A FREE EVENT, we kindly request you to register to allow for catering numbers.
History of B.E.S.T. Countywide Mixer
Credit for the development of the B.E.S.T. Leadership (and if you are new with us tonight, this stands for Bastrop*Elgin*Smithville*Texas) But credit is given to former Judge Randy Fritz, who served Bastrop County in the early 1990s. He brought together area mayors and some other officials for monthly meetings when he took office.
Then Bastrop County Judge Peggy Walicek, (called the mother of B.E.S.T.) served in her post from the mid to late 1990s expanded the meetings to bring in city managers, superintendents, EDC directors, and the chambers of commerce.
B.E.S.T. is truly a fountain of information on what is going on around and throughout the county that we would never know if we did not get together. It creates an atmosphere of familiarity with one another, cooperation, and camaraderie. You know that this collaboration is truly unique if you have ever worked in these capacities in other counties. It is truly something special.
The B.E.S.T. Countywide Mixer is an extension of the B.E.S.T. Leadership and organized by YOUR three local Chambers of Commerce in Bastrop County. It started in 2009 and the first mixer was held at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa. The idea came from Larry Lynn, and he went to Susan Wendall who worked with Steve DeWire at the Lost Pines Hyatt Regency. Some of the original sponsors and supporters were Gena Carter, Adena Lewis, Johnny Sanders, Lee Didly, Ed Rivers among others.
Today, this event is moved around the county to make it accessible to the greatest number of Chamber members possible each year.
BEST of the B.E.S.T. sponsorship ($1000 investment):
EVERYTHING listed in Cream of the Crop sponsorship below but with your company logo.
- Member Spotlight at event
- Ability to distribute materials/promotional items at event
- Pictures of the event and business logo listed in Thank you ad in all 3 Chamber June Newsletters
- Included in slider on the Home Page of the Bastrop Chamber for June / August
- Three months of banner ads on all 3 Chambers websites within one year of event. Ad must be provided by business. Dimensions: 728 x 90 pixel and a $250 value
Cream of the Crop sponsorship ($500 Investment):
- Business name listed as sponsor at the BEST Countywide Mixer signage
- Business name listed as sponsor in all 3 Chamber email blasts
- Business name listed on digital signage in Bastrop & Smithville Chamber of Commerce lobbies
- Business name listed as sponsor on Thank You slide during all 3 Chamber June luncheon presentation
- Business name listed in Thank you ad in all 3 Chambers June Newsletters
Event Sponsors
Cream of the Crop
Entertainment Sponsor
Decor Sponsor
Date and Time
Thursday May 9, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
FREE for members of the Bastrop, Elgin, or Smithville Chambers of Commerce
Contact Information
Chamber Staff 512-303-0558
Send Email