Events Calendar Category... Arts & CultureBusiness EducationCandidate ForumsCHAMBERClubs/OrganizationsCOMMUNITYContinuing EducationEmploymentFestivals & CelebrationsFoodFundraisersGovernmentHealthHolidayMusicNetworkingRecreation & SportsSchoolsShoppingVolunteering December January February March April May June July August September October November Search Results Found: 46 Button group with nested dropdown March 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 26 27 28 1 2023 Chamber Luncheon Hyatt Lost Pines Walk In Wednesdays! 2 HOLIDAY..Texas Independence Day..Chamber Office is Closed The Farm Street Opry 3 Texas Independence Day Jam Education Committee Meeting 4 RAISE THE ROOF FUNDRAISER 5 6 7 Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting 8 Hyatt Lost Pines Walk In Wednesdays! Cornerstone Christian Academy Open House 9 "We Believe in BISD" campus visit Service Center Alive After Five - Butler Contracting 10 C.A.S.T. for Kids May 6th 2023 Addams Family the Musical 11 SPRING PLANT SALE - Bastrop County Master Gardeners 18th Annual Bastrop Empty Bowl Addams Family the Musical 12 Addams Family the Musical 13 14 FREE Safety Helmets Neon Bean Coffee Ribbon Cutting 15 CANCELLED - Bastrop Chamber of Commerce Monthly Board Meeting Hyatt Lost Pines Walk In Wednesdays! 16 Visit Bastrop Board Meeting 8-10A Thirsty Thursday 3-5P 17 Brew with Becki Ambassadors Committee Meeting Addams Family the Musical 18 Homespun Wisdom Bastrop County Master Gardeners Present Earth Kind Landscapes Addams Family the Musical 19 Addams Family the Musical 20 21 Bastrop ISD School Board Meeting 22 Rural Employer Lunch & Learn Hyatt Lost Pines Walk In Wednesdays! Kana Wine Ribbon Cutting 23 B.E.S.T. Leadership Program - Session 6 24 Teeing Off 2023 Golf Tournament Addams Family the Musical 25 Homespun Wisdom & Bastrop County Master Gardeners along with Louise Placek Present: Planting a Vegetable Garden and Composting Addams Family the Musical 26 Addams Family the Musical 27 28 Excel Workshop "We Believe in BISD" campus visit at Cedar Creek Elementary Toenail Tuesday Nail Clips for Tips (for Pets) Chamber Membership Benefits 201 29 Hyatt Lost Pines Walk In Wednesdays! 30 31 2023 State of the City + Roast of Mayor Connie Schroeder 1